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Hike to Monte Pelato

Hike to Monte Pelato

A unique itinerary through the Livornese Mountains

A 10 km excursion through the CAI 188, 100, 188A, and 186 trails in the Monti Livornesi

This itinerary will take us from sea level to the summit of Monte Pelato, one of the most significant and visited peaks of the Monti Livornesi.

We start from the location Le Forbici, where there is ample parking near the underpasses of the railway line. The start of the CAI 188 is on the left, near the bed of a stream, after which the path becomes a narrow stony track that takes us to the wider white road called “delle Spianate” in less than one km. Following this comfortable road, we arrive (km 1.7) at the bridge over SS1. We then reach a junction with the 188A, from which we must continue straight ahead, always following the 188 along the stretch known as “la via corta del poggio“.

At km 3.2, we reach a wide clearing near the Cava abbandonata del Gabbriccio, and from there, we continue for less than one km to intersect with the CAI 100, which overlaps briefly with the 188. Always keeping left at the two following forks, we climb towards the summit of Monte Pelato, which we reach at km 4.8.

The descent, retracing a section already covered on the way, takes us back to the intersection with the previously mentioned 188A. We then take a right onto a wide and comfortable forest road called “La via lunga del Poggio“, which we will follow until the intersection – at km 8.6 – with the 186 on our right. The trail, in some sections narrow but easily passable, takes us to cross the SS1 after less than one km, and then continues downhill to the starting point. In this last section, the lush vegetation, especially in the summer months, may make the trail partially closed.

Starting point
Località “ Le Forbici”
Km 10,5 km – Sentieri CAI 188>100>188 A>186
Altitude difference
375 mt
Duration 3h
CAI guide Read me

Useful informations

  • Who:

    Alone, Groups, In pairs, With friends

  • When:

    Autumn, Spring, Summer

  • What:

    Connect with nature, Do activities

  • Other characteristics

    Free, Outdoors, Without reservation

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